Adapt Materials: New use cycles for residual materials

Considering "waste" as raw materials is the basic principle of Adapt Materials. With the thinking of the Circular Economy, Adapt Materials wants to explore what potential organic and textile waste can offer in the context of regional production in the future. From organic waste, such as coffee grounds, orange or eggshells, but also from textile residues, new materials and products are developed to extend the life of already extracted raw materials by designing new utilization cycles, to intensify their use and to slow down their entry into waste management.

Adapt Materials thus actively seeks to contribute to circular transformation and aims to set itself up as a real laboratory for secondary raw materials processing.

The decentralized cooperation with sustainably oriented SMEs, whose waste volumes are not sufficient for large recycling companies (e.g. textile recycling) and therefore currently end up in residual waste, is the focus of the work.

If you would like to contact the Adapt Materials team, please send an email to

Team: Fanni Florian